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Dante Hvězdy na Stráži
Date of Birth: 7. 3. 2022
otec: Aggy Foggy of Pressburgers Paws
matka: Angelina Hvězdy na stráži
skus: nůžkový, plnochrupý
HD A, ED 0, OCD neg., SA neg., L7
Ridge R/R, DM N/N, JME N/N,
Hem B Xn/Y (bez mutace), MH N/N,
D-locus D/d, B locus B/B, EOAD N/N
Ocenění / Tituly:
Junior Champion International de Beauté (J-C.I.B.)
BEST Tiny Baby
ISTRA Winner 2022
Grand Champion of Montenegro
Junior Grand Champion of Kosovo
Champion of Montenegro
Junior Champion of Albania
Junior Champion of Kosovo
Baby Champion Bosna a Hercegovina
Junior Champion of Balkan
Junior Mediterranean Champion
Slovenian Hope
Future Hope of Croatia
1x Junior BIS 3, 1x Puppy BIS 2, 1x Puppy BIS 3, 4x youth BOB
4x CACIB-J 7xCAC, 6x CAJC,
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